Vein Pattern Recognition

eBook - A Privacy-Enhancing Biometric

Erschienen am 03.06.2011, Auflage: 1/2011
104,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781439857564
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 307 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


As one of the most promising biometric technologies, vein pattern recognition (VPR) is quickly taking root around the world and may soon dominate applications where people focus is key. Among the reasons for VPR's growing acceptance and use: it is more accurate than many other biometric methods, it offers greater resistance to spoofing, it focuses on people and their privacy, and has few negative cultural connotations. Vein Pattern Recognition: A Privacy-Enhancing Biometric provides a comprehensive and practical look at biometrics in general and at vein pattern recognition specifically. It discusses the emergence of this reliable but underutilized technology and evaluates its capabilities and benefits. The author, Chuck Wilson, an industry veteran with more than 25 years of experience in the biometric and electronic security fields, examines current and emerging VPR technology along with the myriad applications of this dynamic technology. Wilson explains the use of VPR and provides an objective comparison of the different biometric methods in use today-including fingerprint, eye, face, voice recognition, and dynamic signature verification. Highlighting current VPR implementations, including its widespread acceptance and use for identity verification in the Japanese banking industry, the text provides a complete examination of how VPR can be used to protect sensitive information and secure critical facilities. Complete with best-practice techniques, the book supplies invaluable guidance on selecting the right combination of biometric technologies for specific applications and on properly implementing VPR as part of an overall security system.

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