A Breath Of Snow And Ashes

eBook - (Outlander 6), Outlander

Erschienen am 31.08.2011, Auflage: 1/2011
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446494295
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 1424 S., 1.38 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM



The long fuse of rebellion has already been lit.

Its 1772, the Royal Colony of North Carolina, and the governor calls upon Jamie Fraser to unite the backcountry and preserve the colony for King and Crown.

One minor problem: Jamie Frasers wife, Claire, is a time-traveller, as are his daughter and son-in-law. And Jamie knows that three years hence, the shot heard round the world will be fired, and the end of it all will be independence - with those loyal to the King either dead or in exile.

Beyond present danger, though, looms the threat of a tiny clipping from theWilmington Gazette, dated 1776, which reports the destruction of the house on Frasers Ridge and the death by fire of James Fraser and all his family. For once, Jamie Fraser hopes the time-travelers in his family are wrong about the future. But only time will tell.


Diana Gabaldon is the author of the international bestsellingOutlandernovels and Lord John Grey series.

She says that theOutlanderseries started by accident: 'I decided to write a novel for practice in order to learn what it took to write a novel, and to decide whether I really wanted to do it for real. I did - and here we all are trying to decide what to call books that nobody can describe, but that fortunately most people seem to enjoy.'

And enjoy them they do - in their millions, all over the world. Published in 42 countries and 38 languages, in 2014 theOutlandernovels were made into an acclaimed TV series starring Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser and Caitriona Balfe as Claire. Seasons three and four are currently in production.

Diana lives with her husband and dogs in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is currently at work on her ninthOutlandernovel.



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