The Edge of Life

eBook - Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics, Philosophy and Medicine

Erschienen am 22.08.2005, Auflage: 1/2005
111,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402031564
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 155 S., 0.76 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The Edge of Life: Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics treats a number of distinct moral questions and ?nds their answer in the dignity of the person, both as an agent and as a patient (in the sense of the recipient of action). Characteristically ones view of the human being ultimately shapes ones outlook on these matters. This book addresses questions that divide a culture of life from a culture of death as well as a number of questions debated within the Catholic tradition itself. The Edge of Life offers a critique of the new bio-ethic, represented by such notable authors as Peter Singer; it also attempts to shore up some of the dif?culties leveled by critics against the traditional ethic as well as to answer some questions disputed by those within the tradition. This book does not treat the basic principles of morality but rather many of their applications and suppositions. (For an account of contemporary debates within the Catholic tradition on these matters, see Kaczor 2002). Rather, The Edge of Life seeks to address a number of disputed contemporary questions touching upon human dignity at what has been called the margins of life. The ?rst section of the book treats the dignity of the human person as recipient of action and as agent. Chapter two examines various accounts of when a human being becomes a person.


When Does a Human Being Become a Person?.- All Human Beings are Persons.- How is the Dignity of the Person as Agent Recognized?.- An Ethical Assessment of Bushs Guidelines for Stem Cell Research.- Moral Absolutism and Ectopic Pregnancy.- Could Artificial Wombs End the Abortion Debate?.- Solomons Dilemma.- Capital Punishment and the Catholic Tradition.

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