Designing and Evaluating Value Added Services in Manufacturing E-Market Places


Erschienen am 23.06.2005, Auflage: 1/2005
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402031526
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 198 S., 5.60 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The extended enterprise is a new emerging paradigm in the manufacturing arena. Indeed, global competition is pushing manufacturing enterprises in several industries either to split geographically the production capacity or to work together in supply chain organizations involving several independent entities. This dynamic is involving both big companies, whose organisation is always more and more decentralised and geographically distributed, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are embracing new organisation forms such as the Virtual Enterprise (VE) one. The extended enterprise allows gaining agility, reactive ness, even p- activeness, and, of course, efficiency in the highly dynamic markets of the mass customisation and knowledge based economy era. However, the extended enterprise paradigm scales management complexity both at the strategic and operational level up. This requires new tools for managing the complexity of the extended enterprise. The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enables the possibility to create new and innovative tools for managing the extended enterprise. This book addresses the above introduced issue of the tools for the extended enterprise. More specifically, it presents the results of a research developed under a two years program titled Distributed process and production planning in manufacturing enterprise networks and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the program PRIN2001.


Presentation PrefaceChapter I: Manufacturing E-Marketplaces: Innovative Tools For The Extended Enterprise; Giovanni Perrone 1. The Extended Enterprise: In Search For Supporting Tools 2. E-Business: A Supporting Technology For The Extended Enterprise3. Enterprise E-Business Models: The Business-To-Business3.1 B2B solutions for the extended enterprise3.2 E-marketplace: a tool for the extended enterprise?4. Aims And Motivations Of The Research5. Book Contents And Organization6. Conclusions And Further Paths Of ResearchReferencesChapter II: An Agent Based Architecture For Manufacturing E-Marketplaces; Giovanni Perrone and Giovanni Montana 1. The Agent-Based Framework2. System Architecture 2.1 The system context 3. System Dynamics 3.1 Customer and Supplier Systems interaction 3.2 Order Data Input3.3 Technological requirements inputting and processing 3.4 MFA - PrPA interaction4. ConclusionsReferencesChapter III: Process Planning In Manufacturing E-Marketplaces; Giovanni Celano, Antonio Costa, Sergio Fichera 1. Introduction2. The Cad on-Line 2.1 The structure and the activities of the CAD on-line3. The Process Planner Agent (PPA)3.1 The structure and the activities of the Process Planner AgentReferences Chapter IV: Manufacturability Models For Manufacturing E-Marketplaces; Lanfranco Imberti and Tullio Tolio 1. Introduction2. Information Definition 2.1 Type of information2.2 Information formalization2.3 Non Linear Process Plan (NLPP)2.4 Information in the Manufacturing Planner Agent3. Definition Of Pallet Layout 3.1 Pallet configuration3.2 Pallet configuration in the Manufacturing Planner Agent4. Mapping The Process Plan On The Production System4.1 Splitting: points in favour4.2 Splitting: drawbacks4.3 The Process Plan mapping activity of the Manufacturing Planner Agent 5. Conclusion ReferencesChapter V: Negotiation Models In Manufacturing E-Marketplaces; Giovanna Lo Nigro, Manfredi Bruccoleri, Umberto La Commare 1. Introduction2. The Negotiation Process2.1 Negotiation as a coordination mechanism2.2 A Negotiation Taxonomy2.3 Negotiation Performance3. Negotiation In Manufacturing E-Marketplaces4. The Proposed Model 4.1 Agent Architecture4.2 Negotiation dimensions and protocol4.3 The negotiation decision process 4.4 Negotiation policies5. ConclusionsReferencesChapter VI: Production Planning In E-Marketplaces; Marco Cantamessa and Matteo Gualano 1. Introduction2. Integrated Production Planning And Order Negotiation 2.1 A taxonomy2.2 Revenue management2.3 Demand forecasting3. Supporting Make-To-Stock Production4. Supporting MTO/ATO Production5. The Production Planner Agent6. ConclusionsReferencesChapter VII: Implementation, Numerical Examples And Tests; Giovanni Perrone and Paolo Renna 1. The Agent Based Architecture Implementation 2. The Functionality Test2.1 Inputting Technological Data2.2 Inputting Commercial data2.3 Agent activities3. Numerical Tests3.1 Numerical test data3.2 Numerical test results4. ConclusionsReferencesChapter VIII: Benchmarking Value Added Services In Manufacturing E-Marketplaces; Antonio Grieco and Emanuela Guerriero 1. Introduction And Motivation 2. Problem And Goal Statement3. The Utility Function Definition3.1 Due-date Utility Function3.2 Cost utility Function 3.3 Demand Utility Function 3.4 Supplier profit utility function4. The Benchmark Models Formulation4.1 Input Data and decision variables4.2 Mathematical model formulation - First step4.3 Mathematical model formulation Second step5. The Test Case 5.1 Input data 5.2 The benchmark results6. Conclusions References

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